With "URL Shot" you can support your Home Automation system build e.g. with Raspberry Pi or Arduino small System-on-Chip devices. URL Shot triggers configurable URLs to these devices in a "fire-and-forget" fashion.
● Multiple rooms/devices with IP-number or server name
● Multiple URL commands per room/device
● Sorting / deleting / editing of rooms & commands
● sends URL command per "fire-and-forget" on click
● shows error code, if server not available or server sends non 200 response code
A common way is to let these devices listen on a http port available on the in-house LAN. Then device checks the URL requested and depending on the URL the device performs some action. E.g. open or close the window blinds / persian blinds, dimm or brighten the light, open the door, switch on the building heating or trigger the lawn sprinkler - you name it...
"URL Shot" lets you register multiple devices (called Rooms) and for each room you may register multiple commands.
Lets say you have configured a room "Living Room" with IP Then inside the living room you registered a command "Switch off Light" with URL command string "/light1/off". When you click on this "Switch off Light" command, URL Shot builds a URL like so: and performs a "HTTP GET" on this URL.
Its up to your home automation system to react to this URL request. URL Shot never displays results of a successful URL GET action. - Only Errors are displayed inside the app as pop up for debugging purposes.
I hope this little helper is useful for you!
Have fun!